Security Startup Ecosystem

Venture activity is starting to heat up in the security space:

To get a better understanding of the security startup ecosystem, I have a document that I’ve started using to organize my learning and research about new security startups.


I break these startups down in to two broad (potentially overlapping) categories: those that are improving or building upon an existing security offering in some way, and those that are creating something truly new, perhaps a new service offering all together.

Like the Chicago VC Ecosystem document, this is also a work in progress. As I uncover new startups in the IT security space, I will continue to update this document.


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The Hard Thing About Hard Things

I just got back from a week of vacation, for which I was saving Ben Horowitz’s new book. There has been a lot written about this book already, and I’ll add my name to the list of enthusiastic recommenders. A few thoughts: 1. # Nearly... Continue →